Wednesday 4 February 2009

#8 - Objectives

'Alice came to a fork in the road.
"Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."'
~Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Ahh, objectives. The purpose of life, the deeper questions, why are we here, and what are we doing? Perhaps something a little strong to consider for the purposes of my meagre little literary offering, however - Something which must be brushed across in order for it to be considered even slightly complete! I think the quote above is in fact one of the most easily understandable ways of looking into this, far removed from all the mystery of the Zen Buddhists or the logic games of the Ancient Greeks.

Why are we here, what are we doing, and more importantly, does it actually matter? The intellectuals of humanity have for the past five thousand years busied themselves with such confusing questions, searching for a greater purpose in life. Religion, borne of fear of the unknown, Heaven and Hell, borne of a lust for order in chaos, and the idea of a soul, borne of the fear of being nothing special.

Well, today I've got a poser for you. Is there anything wrong with not being special? Yes, we can fight to achieve things, work to better ourselves, our lives, humanity as a whole and increase our moral and ethical understanding as well as our understanding of the universe. I think, however, that as long as we enjoy ourselves, there's nothing wrong with appearing ordinary to others. What's important is that we live life to its fullest as we want, and ignore those problems that are greater than ourselves.

Why are we here? Because we are! What are we doing? Whatever we want! Do we have a soul? Maybe! But it doesn't really matter, you see, until after it's too late for it to matter any more.

So far from me asking you those deep important questions, just let me know what you think -

Does it matter, if we're special, or not?

~The Thinker