Now, onto the main topic. Nature, natural nature. The nature of natural things is a curious one, and something which I think personally people don't pay enough attention to. Let's take one of the most hotly debated topics of the 21st century, for instance. Genetically modified foods - Whether you think they're the spawn of the devil, or whether you think they're a godsend (Pun intended, on both levels), I think we can all agree that they're not natural.
Oh, but that's where I disagree. Just to be contrary, you ask? Well, maybe, but that's where some of the best ideas come from. A great man once said "Genius is not in observing the extraordinary, but rather the everyday occurences of man." and truly, he was right. What is the true nature of our concept of natural?
Is a car natural? Probably not, you'd say.
How about a bicycle? Still a tool of the devil!
What about a monkey, using a club?
Or a magpie, fishing grubs from a tree with a stick?
In fact, when you get down to the nitty itty gritty horrible side of things, anything humans create is natural. We are a part of nature, and by that very definition, so are the things we create. That makes cars, natural - Genetically modified foods? Natural. Organ transplants? Natural.
So let me know what you think, both on whether all these horrible human constructs are natural, and also what posts this refers to! I'm deliberately excluding labels on this post to avoid making it too easy.
Cheerio,~The Thinker