Tuesday 27 January 2009

#6 - Colours!

Ahhh, colour. It's such a day to day part of our lives that it's something that we never really think about. Colours are there, red is red, blue is blue, and it's the same for everybody, right?


What if it isn't the same for everyone, people? Does blue look the same to you as it does to me? When you start to consider that some animals can see more wavelengths, or technically 'colours', than humans (That's right, kids, some creatures can see stuff outside of the 'Visible spectrum', or ~400-1300 nm to you scientists out there), then what colour do they see it in?

Isn't it just extraordinary to try and consider there being another colour? The brain isn't even wired to imagine what that colour might look like, and that's why you can't 'invent' a colour. It's similar to how you can't 'invent' a syllable (Just try, eventually you'll find you can deconstruct it into the basic syllables our bodies are wired with).

Mmm. Tasty. If I invented a colour, I'd call it...

Oh man, I don't even know what I'd call it!

~The Thinker


  1. My favorite periodical, "Scientific American", has reported on several new discoveries about how our systems perceive and interpret colors and images. It is fascinating in its complexity. http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=draining-the-language-out. http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=a-way-with-words. Et al.

    I would call a curious shade of brown potzrebie (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potzrebie) or eccccc! (http://ethunter1.blogspot.com/)

  2. Potzrebie.

    I adore it.

    How would you pronounce it?

    ~The Thinker

  3. Thought you might find this interesting, as it sort of relates, and has to do with "just a sound we make"

